Junior Programme Overview

BLTC Hot Shots Programme and Player Development Pathway
The BLTC Hot Shots is the new BLTC Coaching Programme derived from the Tennis Australia modified coaching and competition program that is endorsed by the International Tennis Federation and replicates similar programs around the world.
Although the reasons to take up tennis are wide and varied, most children want to get to a playing standard as soon as possible. They want to play! Children enjoy playing the game, and tennis, typically, requires a high level of skill and understanding for point-of-entry into competition or tournaments. Most children begin in some modified program and the journey to playing “real” tennis begins here.
The BLTC Hot Shots program allows for each child’s individual development and also provides flexibility for the private coach. Regardless of the structure of any particular Hot Shots program, the philosophy is the same. At each level of Hot Shots (Red Ball, Orange Ball and Green Ball), it is important to develop technical, tactical and physical competencies before progressing to bigger courts, faster balls, and more complex scoring/rules.
BLTC will look to implement the Hot Shots Programme from April 2023 in a variety of capacities whether in social club, squad groups and private tennis sessions. Obviously the level of implementation of the Hot Shots Programme will depend on the number hours the junior player is on court, along with whether they are simply wishing to play tennis socially or with the view of representing Ballymena in regional, national and international events.
BLTC Junior Tennis Evolution Programme
The BLTC Evolution programme is based on the findings provided by renowned junior tennis coach Mike Barrell and his professional development programme entitled “Evolve 9”.
The overall focus within BLTC is to provide a coaching programme that equips the player with fundamental skills to enjoy the sport and compete at a level fitting to his/her ability. To ensure that this is a success we have looked at ways to ensure the club is “getting competition right”.
The BLTC coaching team have a created a worthwhile and child centred programme which focuses on a carefully managed and constructed competition integrated format, while making sure the club environment meets the needs of the child. To ensure this is successful we have carefully looked at the time used to manage the various strands of lessons we facilitate, while ensuring the players have fun and continued to progress.
Valued and structured competition we believe is a necessity within our tennis programme. We will measure our success by focusing on –
- Children who PLAY the game – therefore compete and participate within club social play, squads and attend lessons.
- Children who KEEP playing – they fall in love with the sport and want to STAY in tennis and the club.
- Children who move along the various participation pathways – the juniors “PROGRESS” throughout the programme which has been implemented within BLTC.